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ZIIP HALO microcurrent - this one's different!

Writer's picture: Penn SmithPenn Smith

Updated: Mar 4

*(updated 27 November, 2024)

ZiiP Microcurrent and Crystal Gel
Rose Gold Halo Limited Edition 😍

I fell in love with the original ZIIP about four years ago and, when the HALO (the second generation) was released in the summer of 2023 my adoration was reignited. I love it. I mean I really love it 🥰. You might wonder why, in my mind, the HALO stands head and shoulders above all other microcurrent devices out there. I'm glad you asked!!

The most common microcurrent question I get from my community is exactly that! Why I do I love the ZIIP HALO so much? I thought I’d put down my thoughts and also answer some of the more specific questions I’ve recently received in my Facebook community as well as in the comments beneath my YouTube videos. Here goes...

If you've followed my content, you'll know I'm passionate about microcurrent technology. This innovative treatment uses very low-intensity electrical current, carefully modified to produce low-frequency pulses. While at-home devices typically utilize a single waveform, professional devices found in treatment rooms offer multiple waveforms that can be combined into sequences, either automatically or manually controlled by an esthetician.

Microcurrent has a long-standing history in the medical field, where it's been used to promote tissue healing by stimulating cellular metabolic processes. What makes it particularly effective is that low-level microcurrent closely mimics the body's natural bio-electrical activity, supporting cellular healing and rejuvenation. Even more fascinating is nano-current, which operates at an even smaller electrical intensity and produces great results when combined with microcurrent treatments.

When it comes to nano and microcurrent treatments, consistency is key. You don't need lengthy sessions – as little as ten minutes can be effective – but frequency matters. For optimal results, aim for two to three treatments per week, or more if your schedule allows.

Research has demonstrated that microcurrent's benefits are both significant and enduring. What makes these treatments particularly remarkable is their ability to enhance cellular activity: regular use supports ATP production and stimulates fibroblasts, which contribute to collagen production. The treatment can also help tone facial muscles by stimulating them. With its ability to work at the cellular level through brief, manageable sessions, it's no wonder nano and microcurrent treatments have become a cornerstone of modern skincare.

Why do I love my ZIIP HALO?

REASON 1. It’s small and elegant in form and function.

Typically when I fall in love with skincare or a device the reasons are, in this order:

1. Performance 2. Performance and 3. Performance. Really!!

The ‘does it work?’ component of evaluating skincare and devices is THAT important to me. Packaging, how something feels in the hand, and how easy it is to acquire… those come further down my list of priorities. But the ZIIP has changed my view on this. Does it work? Absolutely (my noticeably less swollen face after my morning lymphatic drainage sessions serves as a daily reminder!) But what’s interesting about the HALO is that one of the reasons that I’m seeing such good results is that it is so amazingly nice to use.

First of all the size and streamlined design of the HALO means that it is effortless to slip into my purse, pop into a pocket, or even put into the remote control caddy in front of the television. In the past month, in addition to my morning de-puffing ritual, I’ve used my HALO while on a long phone call (with earbuds) and regularly while watching TV or YouTube.

We know that being consistent with skincare is key. Microcurrent is no exception. In fact, with microcurrent, compliance is everything because those teeny tiny teeny tiny doses of electrical energy need to be given regularly in order to make a difference.

ZiiP Microcurrent
ZiiP Microcurrent

REASON 2: It’s versatile

When we think about home microcurrent devices, most of us think about the benefits of lifting and toning. It makes sense, as the popular home-based microcurrent devices out there are focused on these benefits - toning the facial muscles and providing a lifted appearance to the face. And who doesn’t want a bit of lift and tone!! But interestingly, the lift/tone benefit is just the beginning of what microcurrent can offer.

When I would give a microcurrent facial in the treatment room (with my very spendy professional equipment), I didn’t just jump in and start lifting. I eased in by prepping the skin, enhancing circulation, and helping infuse hydrating ingredients. If there’s built-up lymph, I spend some time creating flow and moving the lymph off the face toward the lymphatic ducts where it moves onward into the lymphatic system. I might then look to toning and lifting - finishing off with a setting that’s focused on soothing and calming the skin.

The client leaves looking healthy and glowing. Every. single. time.

I did this with my professional machine by manipulating settings and following protocols for the order and pacing of a treatment.

When I worked with microcurrent on a client, each of the different ‘treatment' types/stages required different movements, cadences, and, importantly, different electrical outputs. And let me assure you, it is not a simple task to bring this level of sophistication to a home-based microcurrent device. But that's exactly what Melanie Simon, the electrical aesthetician and the creator of the ZIIP HALO has at the heart of her invention - and a key thing that sets the HALO apart from other home-based microcurrent tools on the market.

I can remember my impression when I first started using the original ZIIP. I had gone from a home hand-held microcurrent device experience that was great on the ‘lift’ (but very one-dimensional), to one where I could tap into a really powerful yet achingly simple tool that could very credibly emulate a proper microcurrent facial performed by an aesthetician.

The ZIIP HALO App was developed by the ZIIP team using data from over 10 million (!!) ZIIP treatment downloads done since the product was launched more than five years ago. The team also collected direct feedback from the ZIIP community and, of course, input from founder Melanie Simon who has spent the last 20 years tending to some of the world’s most recognizable faces. The result is an all-encompassing menu of professional-grade, at-home treatments that are truly a pleasure to use.

ZiiP Microcurrent App: Full facials, Treatments
ZiiP Microcurrent App

In all, there are over 24 different waveforms used in different combinations in the ZiiP programs. The 15 ZiiP programs pull on these 24 waveforms to create individual treatments, each different from the last - and each created to address a specific set of needs.

EXAMPLES: HALO's Founder's Favorite treatment program uses nano current only. It's all about the slow drip-feed of current to recharge cellular ATP and give it all it needs to regenerate (I tend to use this treatment 2-3 times in a row while, freeform, I watch TV). On the other hand, ZiiP's 'Instant Gratification' treatment is a deeper waveform that hits the muscle slowly to optimally sculpt the facial muscles, resulting in the lifting of the neck and face area.

I've gotten to know ZIIP founder Melanie very well - and let me tell you, she knows her stuff! She's spent her entire career perfecting her craft with some of the best equipment and brands in the business (Biologique Recherche, to name one!) Melanie still works with clients in the treatment room, always observing and honing her understanding of the field of microcurrent. What's impressed me the most about the ZIIP story (and the device itself) is that it really does represent an entrepreneur taking a service that's both nuanced and complex and radically simplifying that power to put it in the hands of consumers.

The ZIIP App syncs your chosen treatment to the device and then the accompanying video literally walks you through the session... for each of the 14 facials and 'Targeted Treatments', such as the Brow Lift.

REASON 3: It gives feedback

Beyond the 15 programs designed by Melanie, the HALO has a few intuitive ways it helps you make sure you’re using it properly. The first way is via softly glowing lights that illuminate when you have conductivity and go dark when you’ve lost it (the most common reason is that you don't have enough conductive gel and/or have hit a bony area, say close to your hairline.)

The other way it keeps you on track is by emitting a subtle vibration each time you’re meant to change direction or move onto a new area. For me, this feedback is so important!! Not only do I have Melanie to guide me, but the HALO device itself keeps me motivated by giving me signals that I'm 'on track' (but no annoying beep to irritate my husband next to me on the sofa!!)

REASON 4: It's thoughtfully designed

Other little things I love about the HALO: The battery seems to last forever. Really. Forever. No more charging every few uses. And this makes sense! Microcurrent is teeny tiny (and nanocurrent even teeny-tinier!!) .., one charge should last a very long time. I also like that It’s charged with a plain old low power USB-C charger - so no worries about losing the charger, or mixing up your HALO charger with another device (I can't tell you how many orphan device cords I have tangling up in my closet!). It's also super easy to travel with. Another benefit of the small size of the ZiiP is that it lets me get in close to those smaller areas such as around the mouth and eyes.

REASON 5: The App keeps on giving

Ah, another win... the App gets updated in a very modern way!! I've had my HALO since it launched about 18 months ago, but the new App with updated videos of Melanie and new treatments got updated last month - and for free!! I love it when I know a device won't become obsolete quickly!

The ZIIP team can (and does!) regularly update the App so that you're getting the very best protocols - straight from Melanie. This is no joke!! I've had the chance to hang out with Melanie at length and I've heard so many cool stories. She's a bit of a 'mad scientist' slash talented artist - and is continually refining her treatments as she works with clients (yes, Jennifer Aniston and Margo Robbie are amongst the actors who count on Melanie to keep them looking red-carpet ready). The amazing thing is that as she refines what she's doing in the treatment room she adds that learning to our Apps. Sometimes these are subtle 'tweaks' but other times she launches brand new protocols (ZIIP Lips was launched early this year) or treatment collaborations like Mel asked me to do with her (with more collaborations coming soon!!🥰). You can find this in your ZIIP HALO App at the bottom of the screen by selecting 'Plans' then 'all plans').

REASON 6: The ZIIP conductive gels - skincare in their own right

One of the many things that's interesting about microcurrent is that it has the ability to help skincare get just that little bit further into the stratum corneum. Most microcurrent devices come with conductive gels that are either 'uninteresting' (meaning they have no material benefit) or actually have negative effects, such as the case with gels that contain alcohol (as many less expensive gels do).

No worry here with the ZIIP gels. Each of the three gels in the ZiiP family is absolutely packed with ingredients that will nourish, plump, and calm the skin. From peptides to niacinamide to glutathione and green tea. Your choice will depend on your goals (and budget). While the ZiiP gels are some of the most expensive on the market, I do think they're worth trying, at least once. Not only do they double as skincare (helping to justify the cost) but, compared with 'traditional' microcurrent gels, a little goes a LONG way. I typically use 4-5 pumps for each treatment and, thanks to the high glycerin content, I really don't need to reapply. The single (recyclable) glass bottle of ZIIP gel normally lasts me two to three times longer than the same size bottle of a standard conductive gel.

I've tried all of the gels. They're all equally nice to use, but I've thrown together the below table to help you decide if you're a 'Gold' kind of person, whether you'd get the most from Crystal (like me!) or perhaps Silver is your thing (it's the best value!!). ZIIP has recently introduced the lower-priced 'Electric Complex' gel that can. be mixed with the other gels to help them last longer (and lower the cost!!)

ZiiP Microcurrent Gel Comparison: Golden, Crystal, Silver
ZiiP Gel Comparison

I think you can tell how much I love this little device. It is so clear that it has been designed (and updated via the recent App upgrade) by someone who knows skin and knows how electricity, in microdoses, can make our skin look lifted, more glowing, and frankly, younger and healthier. And the conductive gels are a pleasure rather than a penance. So do I buy the whole 'expert facials on demand' slogan? Yes, I actually do. How cool is that?



In the US:

To order the ZIIP Halo Internationally:

CurrentBody website 

Use code PENNZIIP at checkout

FAQ Q1. The ZiiP conductive gels are expensive. Can I use another conductive gel with my ZiiP

A1. Technically I supposed you could. My advice, however, would be to try one of the ZiiP gels at least once. They are gorgeous. I like to economize by pumping only 3-4 small pumps and spreading all over the face and neck. Then I have a spray bottle of water nearby to keep my face hydrated. The high glycerin content of the ZiiP gels means they don't evaporate easily like most microcurrent conductive gels.

Q2. Some of the treatments are only a few minutes. I know I can ‘stack’ the treatments, but how do I know which ones stack best together?

A2. This is where you get to customize! There is no wrong answer-so do the treatments you feel you need, as you like.


A 3.


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Disclaimer: This post is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or skin related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this website should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare/skin professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this website are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. It is important that you check labels to determine if a product is right for you. Before starting any treatment at home consult a health care or skin care professional to determine if it’s right for you.

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