The number of devices available now for use at home is incredible, even overwhelming. What’s exciting is that the technology behind these at-home devices has roots in dermatologist's offices and aesthetic clinics.
I’ve put together this post to share with you background on modalities, let you know which modality can benefit which skin concerns, and to give you a set of tools to make the best decision for you. Of course, to make the most of the investment in time and money, I recommend you assess your biggest concerns and choose the modality that best addresses those areas.
Rotating devices is just fine. Some modalities can be used in the same protocol, spaced AM/PM and some are best rotated in and out periodically, say every quarter. Below you’ll see my pick of the skincare devices that you can use at home as well as some suggestions on how to use them.

Radio Frequency (RF) works by creating heat within the skin and provides an initial quick ‘tightening effect’ as the heat makes the collagen in the skin contract; as well as a long-term production of new collagen. Most home-based RF devices have been designed to be used on the face and neck, avoiding the thyroid.
At-home radio frequency devices provide the following benefits:
Short-term collagen shrinkage in the dermis (which is why you’ll see some immediate results)
Longer-term fibroblast stimulation to create revitalized collagen and elastin
Stronger skin scaffolding in the deeper skin layers
Refreshed epidermis/outer layer skin cells
Best for: Tightening lax skin such as jowls and neck. Reducing fine lines and wrinkles and giving smoother, more radiant-looking skin. At-home RF won't create miracles so best for skin that's not showing too much laxity.
Results after: Immediate but subtle results can be seen after the first session, but a longer-term commitment (3+ months) is required to see any significant changes in the quality of the skin, and ongoing maintenance is key to retaining the benedits.
Time commitment: normally 20 minutes per day for first two months and 2-3 times per week thereafter.
Clinical proof: GOOD to ROBUST
Pain level: Feels like ‘hot stone massage’. Painless, as long as the device is kept in motion.
My take: I like RF because it's one of the few modalities that can effectively addresses the number one concern I hear from my community; minor sagging and crepiness.
What to look for: Choose a device that is FDA-approved - these devices are assured to work at a heat/depth that will not encourage facial fat loss.
Microcurrent mimics our body’s own natural bioelectrical field and sends tiny electrical currents into our muscles. Microcurrent works, in part, by targeting those muscles under the skin that can cause our facial skin to wrinkle and sag. As we age, our muscles become accustomed to certain expressions and tend to "stick" in these positions (think ‘11s’ between the eyebrows.) At the same time, other muscles in our face aren’t used enough, and they begin to atrophy, which leads to sagging. An example of this can be seen around the eyebrows, cheeks, and jawline which can suffer sagging or loss of definition as we age.
All microcurrent devices send waves to the muscles that help strengthen or ‘re-educate’ under-worked muscles. Additionally, the ZIIP HALO offers nano current which is excellent for stimulating ATP. Nano current has an impact on all cell types that are involved in keeping our skin healthy. A regular ‘dose’ of ATP is an extremely valuable tool in an anti-aging arsenal. Because ATP is used up very quickly, we need to have a regular regime to ‘restock’ and build our stores. A healthy level of ATP stored in our cells is continually available for skin repair and new cell generation.
Best for: Lifting muscles of the face and neck, supporting skin health via the production of ATP.
Results after: An immediate lift can be seen in certain facial muscles, particularly the brows and cheeks but regular use is required for sustained results. Like exercising the muscles, it’s a lifetime commitment!
Time commitment: Depending on the tool and areas treated, 10-30 minutes, three to five times per week.
Clinical proof: GOOD
Pain level: None
My take: Microcurrent is one of my favorite at-home treatments. It can be combined with all other modalities and provides both short and long-term results. Apart from those with specific contraindications (see manufacturers’ websites), everybody can profit from a commitment to microcurrent. Personally, this is where I’m prepared to invest - I see myself using microcurrent indefinitely and, as it combines with so many other treatments and is completely non-invasive and pain-free it can be used year-round. I say invest in the best device you can afford!
What to look for: There are dozens of microcurrent devices on the market. After having tried many of them, my firm favorite for the past three years has been the ZIIP. There's just no competition - read this blog to learn why I love the ZIIP HALO so much!
There are two different types at-home anti-aging lasers currently on the market; fractional, non-Fractional. Fractional lasers (such as the Tria Age-Defying Laser) treat multiple signs of aging and stimulate collagen and elastin growth. They work by creating microscopic tissue injuries which gives your body the signal to start producing more collagen. Fractional lasers can impact blood vessels, causes redness and inflammation and do cause some pain.
Non-fractional lasers (NIRA Skincare Laser) stimulate the production of new cells by sending heat signals to the dermis. NIRA uses non-fractional laser to heat the skin to the point where dermal cells send out heat shock protein formation (HSP) stimulating your cells to rejuvenate and increase collagen production. The NIRA Skincare Laser uses a 1450 nm diode that penetrates the lower levels of the skin, giving your body the signal to produce more collagen without damaging existing skin. NIRA does this just below the pain threshold and well below the point where skin tissue is damaged. If you do feel pain while using the NIRA you can simply 'dial down' the control and use it at a lower setting - although ideally you'll work up to a higher setting as you'll see results more quickly (it took a few weeks for me to dial the NIRA up to full strength). One nice thing about laser devices is that they don't require conductive gels - so no ongoing costs after the initial outlay for the device.
Best for: Fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
Time commitment: Depending on the device and areas treated, but quite quick - each eye takes one minute with the NIRA
Results after: Real changes in collagen can take six months or more.
Clinical proof for at-home version: SOLID
Pain level: LOW TO MODERATE (NIRA) to MODERATE(TRIA) - I found treating the area around the mouth particularly 'spicy'.
My take: At-home laser is very interesting for those who want to avoid using botox yet want to address the classic ‘crow’s feet’ around the eyes or ‘barcode lines’ around the mouth. The NIRA has been tested around the eyes and mouth but, in theory, there’s no reason you can’t use NIRA on the forehead and other lines/wrinkles.
What to look for: At-home lasers can be a bit spicy for some (but others experience no pain!). And like other home-based modalities, compliance is key to seeing results.
While most people associate home-based IPL exclusively with hair removal, a new generation of IPL has emerged that also tackles ‘skin rejuvenation’. IPL devices send short, concentrated, pulsating beams of light to irregular skin. Unlike laser where a single spectrum of concentrated light is applied to the skin, IPL uses many wavelengths. More wavelengths mean more uses/applications on the skin - from a single device. In the case of both the Faustina IPL, a simple switch of the cartridge on the device means you can use it for facial rejuvenation, acne, AND hair removal. In all cases, the light bypasses the epidermis and gently heats the cells in the dermis. Using the skin rejuvenation cartridge, the wavelength specifically acts on fibroblasts which start to produce more collagen, improving texture and fine wrinkles. The new skin that forms is smoother and firmer. The acne cartridge reduces acne bacteria in the pores of the skin and reduces blood supply to the sebaceous glands whereas the hair removal cartridge focuses on the safe destruction of the hair follicle.
Best for: Broken capillaries, localized pigmentation. It can improve skin texture through collagen stimulation. Acne cartridge for dealing with P. acnes bacteria.
Time commitment: A full face treatment takes 10-15 minutes, done two to three times per week.
Results after: Some changes can be observed after a few weeks (particularly changes in capillaries); full results from one to three months.
Clinical proof for at-home version: SOLID
Pain level: LOW - feels like a light snap of a rubber band.
My take: I’m a big fan of the Faustina IPL
What to look for: I like the flexibility of the Faustina as it works for multiple conditions. There are few competitors out there and I find the Faustina has the best price/value proposition.
LED light therapy has a long established history of skin uses. Navy SEALs began using it over thirty years ago to help heal wounds quickly and to help repair damaged muscles. Since then, the modality has been extensively researched and used in aesthetic settings. Red light is used for treating the outer most layer of skin, the epidermis. When the light is applied to the skin, the epidermis absorbs it and then stimulates collagen proteins. Newer, healthier skin cells are produced which absorb fluid and hold onto it better than old cells resulting in plumper, smoother skin that reflects light better (who doesn't want that!?!?) Red LED light also reduces inflammation while improving circulation, which can give you a healthier glow. Like micro current, LED light therapy stimulates the body’s production of ATP, while also igniting your body’s synthesis of collagen and elastin—both elements that govern overall skin health. LED therapy also supports normal cell growth and stimulates the production of new blood vessels for improved blood flow to the skin.
Best for: Preventing laxity, reinforcing collagen and elastin and brightening skin tone. There is significant clinical data supporting red light for wound healing, making it a natural pairing for helping skin to repair after collegen induction therapy (medical needling) - just be sure the red light is far enough from the face not to contaminate newly needled skin!
Time commitment: normally 10-20 mins, ideally 6 to 7 days a week (depending on the device).
Results after: Depending on the strength of the device, some report an immediate glow, however more profound changes to the epidermis begin to show after the first month and can continue to improve for several months.
Clinical proof for at-home version: ROBUST, depending on device. Multiple clinical studies support the effectiveness of red LED therapy in photo rejuvenation. One study reported that 90% of the participants showed a reduction in skin wrinkles and skin roughness. After 12 red LED light treatments, 87% experienced a reduction in the Fitzpatrick wrinkling severity score. But unless you're prepared to spend hours a day under an LED mask, it really may be worth investing in one of the more powerful panels on the market.
Pain level: None
My take: Results aren’t immediate, but over time the right red LED can be an excellent investment. In my opinion, nearly everybody should include red LED as part of their skincare routine, either in-clinic or at home. While red LED can help with skin laxity it is best used proactively as skin that has already lost significant laxity is unlikely to show dramatic improvements. In a nutshell. Use a well-chosen red LED for maintenance and prevention but not to address significant aging issues.
What to look for:
Wavelength - is it the right wavelength to impact your collagen? Look for 630-680nm for red, 800-8800nm for near-infrared, or a combination of both. I'm intrigued by the 1072 wavelength that's been recently introduced into the CurrentBody Series 2 and Pulsting which can be found in Maysma devices as well as panels from Red Therapy Co. Please see my LED blog post for more information.
If you've followed me for any length of time, you know how enthusiastic i am about microneedling. You'll also know that microneedlng isn't a 'quick fix'; the best results can be had with a carefully designed series of microneedling sessions taking place over the course of several months. I'm a huge proponent of home microneedling at a depth of .25mm as studies show that it helps in the release of growth factors, the thickening of the epidermis, and the cross-talk so our keratinocytes talk to our melanocytes, encouraging even pigmentation and healthy glow. Cosmetic needling also helps with product penetration and can be amazing to pair with copper peptides, other peptides and growth factors.
This blog has additional detail on cosmetic microneedling.
Best for: A better question is maybe 'what isn't microneedling good for?!' From helping with pigmentation to collagen formation to dealing with skin laxity on the neck, microneedling remains at the top of my list of home modalities (in treatment room too!)
Time commitment: Up to once per week for cosmetic needling (less than .3mm depth).
Results after: Many people report an initial glow the day after cosmetic needling. Deeper results can be obtained with reglular cosmetic needling sessions.
Clinical proof for at-home version: ROBUST
Pain level: low
My take: I'm a huge fan of cosmetic microneedling!
Best for: Mild to moderate acne
Time commitment: normally 10-20 mins, ideally 6 to 7 days a week (depending on the device and areas treated)
Results after: Depending on the strength of the device, results are usually noticeable within two to four weeks.
Clinical proof for at-home version: MODERATE. Studies show moderate evidence for the efficacy of blue light treatments for people with mild to moderate acne. There is a lack of data for outcomes in cases of severe acne.
Pain level: None
My take: Acne can be a complex condition to treat and can have multiple contributors. However, P. acnes bacteria is almost always at least partially implicated. Blue light creates an oxygen-rich environment which essentially sterilizes the P. acnes bacteria. If you use a red light in conjunction with a blue light you have a real winner, as the red light works at shrinking the sebaceous gland and quelling inflammation while the blue light minimises the bacteria. While it is unlikely to fully address acne issues on its own (oftentimes topicals, diet, hormones and cleaning routines need to be part of the plan) blue light is such a non-invasive and low cost way to support the issue that I think it should be included in the routine of anybody who experiences regular acne.
What to look for:
Wavelength - range of 405-420 nm is used to kill the Propionobacterium acnes bacteria in skin
Power density - make sure there are enough bulbs to make an impact in the time you're prepared to devote to the therapy.
NEWA: This is a tried and tested device that has a published clinical study to support its efficacy.
Code: Black Friday deal is 20% off on-site plus an extra 15% off with Penn's stackable code: PENNY15 bringing the price of the NEWA Classic from $389 to $277.95
CurrentBody RF Skin Tightening Device: CurrentBody did an independent study that concluded "After eight weeks of treatment, 89-97% of participants showed a visible improvement in overall wrinkle appearance, with an average reduction of 1.21 points on the wrinkle severity scale. These improvements persisted and increased three months after the last treatment, with an average decrease of 1.5 points. Improvements in skin elastosis were also observed, with up to 100% of participants showing enhanced skin firmness by the end of the follow-up period"
Code: My CurrentBody Black Friday 20% off code BFPenn works on this device,
bringing the price of the CurrentBody RF from $385 to $308
1. ZIIP Halo
This is my absolute favorite microcurrent device - in my mind, it is head and shoulders above the rest. To learn more about why, have a look at my blog ZIIP Microcurrent: this one's different!
Regular price: $399
Black Friday price: $311.22 (22% discount the best deal out there just for my community!!) Starts November 7th through Cyber Monday
Discount: 22% off Halo, bundles & gel bundles, 25% off individual gels
Code: PENNZIIP (Halo, bundles & gel bundles)
PENNGEL (individual gels)
When: now through December 1st
⭐️ Guaranteed best discount for ZIIP now through December 1st!
To order the ZIIP HALO Internationally:
CurrentBody website
Use code PENNZIIP at checkout
I've done a comprehensive review of the latest (and my favorite) LED masks in this blog (with accompanying video). They're not all the same! There are some great innovations and each one has stand-out features, do take time to have a look at the blog.
1. CurrentBody Series 2
Code: BFPenn for a 20% discount until Cyber Monday
Regular price: $469
Black Friday Price: $375.20
⭐️ Guaranteed best deal now through Cyber Monday!
2. Maysama Prana
Code: Penn30 for 30% off (my code takes an additional 12.5% off the existing Maysama Black Friday discount of 20%, totaling 30% off (it's the lowest discount out there, exclusive to my community!!)
Regular price: $375
Black Friday Price: $262.50
⭐️ Guaranteed best deal now through Cyber Monday!
3. Dr. Rajani PlasmaGlo Mask
Code: Penn10
Regular price: $425
Price: $382
1. Maysama Chin-to-Chest
This is my favorite wearble LED to treat this area. The Maysama Chin to Chest has pulsing, a submental piece to treat under the chin, and also the ability to turn off NIR.
Regular price: $335
Black Friday price: $234.50
Code: Penn30 for 30% off (my code takes an additional 12.5% off the existing Maysama Black Friday discount of 20%, totaling 30% off (it's the lowest discount out there, exclusive to my community!!)
⭐️ Guaranteed best deal now through Cyber Monday!
2. HigherDose Neck and Dec
The Higher Dose Neck and Dec has been a favorite of mine for a few years. It's is larger than other neck and dec devices and great if you also want to treat your full back (just flip around), your lap, etc.
Regular price: $349
Black Friday price: $279.20
Code: PENNBFCM for 20% off for Black Friday from now until 3 December
Panels enable us to treat a larger area. Remember, goggles are not optional with panels!!
I prefer my panels with a 'pulse'. To learn why, watch this video chat I did with Maysama founder Bev May.
Red Therapy Co Red Rush Pulse
Red Therapy has a range of mid-size to larger panels
Regular price: Depends on size
Code: HOLIDAYGLOW for 30% off
Maysama Panel
This smaller panel includes a stand and is perfect to leave on a vanity table or bedside.
Regular price: $439
Black Friday price: $307.30
Code: Penn30
⭐️ Guaranteed best deal now through Cyber Monday!
1. Maysama Prana
Code: Penn30 for 30% off (my code takes an additional 12.5% off the existing Maysama Black Friday discount of 20%, totaling 30% off (it's the lowest discount out there, exclusive to my community!!)
Regular price: $375
Black Friday Price: $262.50
⭐️ Guaranteed best deal now through Cyber Monday!
2. Dr. Rajani PlasmaGlo Mask
Code: Penn10
Regular price: $425
Price: $382
Code PENN saves 20%. Available in the US, UK, EU, CAN, & AUS
Jovs Blacken Pro:
Nira introduced the Nira PRO last year. The PRO treats a much larger surface area than the original device.
Regular price: $599
Black Friday price: $449
Discount: 25% off
Code: BFCM2024
Click here to see a great list of microneedling pens and supplies.
We get sooo many questions in my Facebook group about whether people can combine certain modalities. Combining devices is sensible, if you have the time and resources. However, as some of these modalites impact the collagen cycle, it's important to PACE OURSELVES. Click this link to see my post: Combining at-home anti-aging devices: NuFACE, NEWA, Myolift, Microneedling, and more for additional information.
FTC: Links in this post are affiliate ~ Please note that all links on this page are affiliate and I participate in the Amazon Associates program which is an affiliate program. Any time you see an Amazon link it is affiliate. If you choose to use my links please know that I appreciate it!
Disclaimer: This post is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this blog is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or skin related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this website should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare/skin professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this website are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. It is important that you check labels to determine if a product is right for you. Before starting any treatment at home consult a health care or skin care professional to determine if it’s right for you.